Colin's Journal

Colin's Journal: A place for thoughts about politics, software, and daily life.

July 31st, 2009

Owlfish on the move

Small green lizard

Resident green lizard at Kew.

The domain has moved hosts.  Up until now the site has run on a shared hosting service.  After 9 years like this it’s finally grown up and moved to a virtual server, hosted by slicehost.  The slice is actually the one that runs Splash of Wine, but as this is very lightly used it makes sense to host Owlfish on the same virtual machine.

One of the main motivators for doing this was to upgrade my weblog software.  I’ve been running this site on PubTal for a long time now, and while it’s easy to use, it does mean certain features are not available.  In particular I wanted to add comment facilities to my weblog, something that’s impossible to do with static HTML file generation.  I’m still using PubTal for the rest of the site, but the weblog has been migrated into WordPress.

The DNS change is still propagating through the system, so for the new next few hours there will be periodic glitches and possibly delayed email.  Looking at the initial set of logs the transition seems to have worked smoothly with no broken links – if something isn’t working please let me know.

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Copyright 2015 Colin Stewart

Email: colin at