Colin's Journal

Colin's Journal: A place for thoughts about politics, software, and daily life.

July 2nd, 2003

Long weekend, the fun stuff

This last weekend was fun. Friday was my birthday featuring Laotian/Thai food at Ban Vanipha, followed by drinks till closing time. Saturday was a house-warming in the dark for Gavin and Lindsay (the power went out due to a fire at the local sub-station).

Sunday was brunch at Mitzi followed by the pride parade. I’ve got 180 photos, mostly of peoples heads, to sort through during a spare moment. There were some really good costumes, and we even spotted some friends in the parade. In the evening was YAP (Yet Another Party), this time out in Mississauga.

Monday was a day of relaxation, and yesterday was Canada day. We spent the evening backing up Shana’s laptop ready for repair, and then went out for the Chin picnic. We heard Gianluca Grignani play, and while he was OK I wouldn’t say that it was the best musical performance I’ve ever listened to. The evening ended with fireworks over Ontario Place, which we could watch from Exhibition Place for free.

July 1st, 2003

It’s summer time!

Hopefully everyone will like, and more importantly be able to see, my new summer theme for It’s taken some tweaking over a week or so to get the final design done, and I much prefer this new look to the older grey/blue colour scheme.

I’ve tested the design under Gecko based browsers, so Netscape/Mozilla/Galeon readers should see everything as intended. If you are using a different browser then please drop me a note letting me know whether it works or not. Feedback on the design is also welcomed, as I’m still new at trying to produce “proper” web designs.

Copyright 2015 Colin Stewart

Email: colin at