Colin's Journal

Colin's Journal: A place for thoughts about politics, software, and daily life.

March 3rd, 2003

Distiled SimpleTAL

Thanks to the efforts of Michael Twomey the next release of SimpleTAL will be packaged in a more python friendly way with distutil support. Installation will be as simple as ‘python install’.

The timing of the next release will depend on the presence of any bug reports…

March 1st, 2003

SimpleTAL version 3.0 released

Version 3.0 of SimpleTAL is now available! The major new feature in this release is support for METAL. METAL is an HTML/XML macro language that augments TAL. It allows a sub-tree of a document to be associated with a macro name, and additionally for customisation points (slots) within that sub-tree to be defined. Once a macro has been defined in this way you can then graft the sub-tree into a (potentially different) document and optionally customise the macro by passing in another sub-tree (i.e. filling the slot).

While METAL is pretty nifty, it’s also very hard to explain without an example. So if you are unsure what it is and why you might want to use it, take a look at this example.

February 27th, 2003


I finally saw Chicago tonight, after looking forward to seeing it for some time. It’s an entertaining, fun movie with some good dance numbers and a nice flow. It’s also a little disappointing.

I was hoping for something on a par with Moulin Rouge, and while Chicago is a good watch, it isn’t that good. I think part of the problem for me was having no sympathy for the main characters. I wanted to know how it ended, but didn’t really care one way or the other.

Catherine Zeta-Jones is superb, a great performance and a good presence on the screen, but RenĂ©e Zellweger was disappointing. The rest of the cast did a fairly good job. It’s possible that a second viewing, where the story would distract less from the musical elements, may improve my rating of the film.

February 26th, 2003

Closer and closer to the METAL

I’m nearly done with METAL. It’s all working, but I need to package it up, maybe write a few more tests, and certainly update the documentation on how to use it. I might even put together an example or something!

Overall then it’s going to be later this week, maybe Friday or weekend before it gets released to the world.

February 24th, 2003

An example of why copyright should expire

I’m starting this post with a diversion: take the name of the BBCs book reading activity “Book Group”. It can’t be a “Book Club” because the good name of book clubs is now tied too closely to those horrendous enterprises where you sign up to buy overpriced books, for the rest of your natural life.

Neatly passing the diversion onto the main topic, this years candidates for the BBCs Book Group are all old enough to be out of copyright, and available for free off Project Gutenberg. This is a good example of why copyright should expire after an adequate amount of time has elapsed to allow an author to benefit from their labours. I may even make time to read the chosen book, although I really should finish off the other three I’m half way through first (two are collections of short stories, and so shouldn’t really count).

February 22nd, 2003

The future of SimpleTAL

On a slightly less political note than my last post, work is once again underway on SimpleTAL. This time it’s thanks to an enquiry by Kevin Smith regarding support for METAL in SimpleTAL. METAL is a macro language that can co-exist with TAL, and which provides a way of copying parts of a document tree into a template and customising the part that was copied.

I’ve got an initial implementation working, but there is much to do before it is ready for release. I need to make sure that SimpleTAL implements the Zope behaviour for METAL, and that the existing TAL functionality integrates well with it. If all goes to plan however, I should have METAL support released within a few days.

February 22nd, 2003

The future of NATO

There’s an interesting article in the FT by the prime minister of Belgium, Guy Verhofstadt. In it he tackles two different, but interrelated subjects: the current transatlantic gap and the future of NATO. The opinion provided on the first subject is not a surprise, and essentially comes down to lack of evidence to justify a war:

As long as we Europeans feel threatened, the use of war and weapons can more or less be justified. However, without this sentiment, a transatlantic gulf has opened up.

The second part of the article is more interesting however, it tries to explain how a European defence force would help rather than hurt NATO. The argument seems to come down to the current lack of balance in NATO: one country with a huge armed forces, and 18 with small ineffective armed forces. This certainly distorts decision making in the organisation, and reduces the effectiveness of NATO as a mutual defence organisation.

That the armed forces of Europe and north America should be able to work together, and that they should be made available to each other in times of crisis seems like a self evident good. The defence of Europe should, however, be in the hands of Europeans. It simply doesn’t make sense for Europe, a group of countries that can easily afford the required armed forces, to be dependent on a single other country for it’s defence. The development of a European defence force should not lead to any less co-operation between Europe and north America, our mutual security is still of paramount importance to both peoples. It will however make NATO more effective in that the forces provided by Europe would be properly equipped and trained, something that is certainly lacking today.

There have been tentative steps toward a European defence force, and with the recent agreement by Blair and Chirac, it’s possible that we may even see a mutual defence clause in the EU constitution. Despite the difficult politics of the situation I’m hopeful that over time we will continue to see further moves in this direction.

February 20th, 2003

A more serious approach to surviving nuclear blasts

An update to my last post: someone has put together a more serious and useful guide to surviving nuclear blasts. In fact they have good, practical advise on all of the least-likely to happen types of attacks a country could suffer from. Two of my favourites:

If deadly radiation knocks on your door, do not answer.

Don’t get so preoccupied with biological weapons that you forget to put on deodorant.

(via Electrolite)

February 20th, 2003

Notes from around the web

It looks like Live Journal is having some difficulties with a distributed denial of service attack. We can’t hit any of the LJ servers, except the status page which explains what is going on.

Now for something completely different (I couldn’t think of a better way of introducing this): How to survive a nuclear blast. I’m not entirely sure how anyone could have put up this site and kept a straight face while doing it. It even looks like it really is a genuine US government website, so some poor sod takes this seriously.

For the click impaired, here’s a quick summary:

  • Hide behind a door
  • Don’t be next to the bomb when it goes off
  • Don’t hang around the nuclear blast site for long

(via Matthew Yglesias)

February 19th, 2003


There is now a back-port of Gnome 2.2 for Woody. The first challenge of this post is going to be explaining the first sentence, before going on to describe my experience of using this back-port.

Gnome is my desktop of choice for Linux, simply because my experience with KDE was long ago when KDE crashed rather more than I cared for. Woody is the name of the current stable release of Debian, a completely free distribution of Linux. For Debian stable tends to mean no new features, and there only tends to be a stable release once every decade (OK so more like every 2 years, but it feels like it’s a decade if you’re waiting for the next release). To help people who would like to run the stable version of Debian, with all the security updates that go with it, but would also like to use a more updated version of the Gnome desktop, a back-port from an unstable version of Debian has been produced.

I went ahead and installed it, following the instructions for once. The result was that when I tried to bring the desktop back to life, it failed with GDM presenting me with a perpetually blinking dialogue box. I found that there were lots of packages waiting to be upgraded that hadn’t been, so I tried running “apt-get upgrade” a few times, which downloaded and installed a load more stuff. Still the blinking dialogue box though. I tried installing extra packages that are included in the back-port, but which are not strictly required, and still the blinking dialogue. Having read the background “how the port was done” notes I tried a hunch – maybe I needed a newer version of X?

So I added the back-port of XFree86 4.2.1 to my sources and upgraded X. The first attempt only upgraded the server its self and the fonts, not the supporting libraries. A round of “apt-get install” on the held back packages brought in the rest of the libraries, and suddenly the blinking dialogue blinked no more! I’m still not entirely convinced that it was the version of X that was the problem, but I can’t think of what else I changed that would have resolved the problem like that.

A word of warning to anyone trying to move to Gnome 2 for the first time from 1.4: it’s very different. Expect to loose all your favourite panel applets, all your cunning key combos, and some tear off menus. When first logging in you will be offered the option of discarding your existing configuration, or trying to convert it. Just discard it, there is so little kept that it’s not worth the effort. If you do try and convert your configuration expect everything to be screwed up and much fiddling to have to be done.

Copyright 2015 Colin Stewart

Email: colin at